Why I Support Breastfeeding Mothers
I am a Breastfeeding mother. My son was born December 16, 1999 and I am one of the lucky breastfeeding mothers who had no problems at all. Jake ate from the breast for the first time for 7 minutes within 20 minutes after he was born. The Colostrum had been in for several months before he was born. I started having leaking breast just 4 and 1/2 months into my pregnancy.
By the time we left the hospital less then 48 hours later, my milk had come in. My son ate from my breast in the hospital every hour to hour and a 1/2. He had his first feeding frenzy before we left the hospital. By the end of the first week, I was frustrated from lack of sleep. I learned that breastfeeding is not easy. Breastfed babies eat more often then formula fed babies. And that makes it hard when only one person can feed your little one....It also makes it wonderful.
My little Son Jake has thrived as a breastfed baby. Though many breastfed babies are small and do not gain weight as fast, my son is in the 75% weight class for babies his age by his 2 month check up.
At 4 months old Jake still gets all he needs to live from my body. It amazes me that I give my son the nutrition he needs. It is not always easy, but it is well worth the quality time my son and I have together. The bond that we have developed is special. The special time, we spend together in the middle of the night; while the rest of the world sleeps.
Breastfeeding is not for everyone, but I for the life of me can not imagine why any mother would not try to breastfeed her child. The benefits for both mother and child are amazing.
Reasons To Breastfeed
- Although sometimes frustrating...the overwhelming good feeling of knowing you are providing milk for your baby
- Often women feel closer to breastfed babies then to children they have bottle fed
- It can be a very fulfilling time of your life. Knowing you are providing substanance and comfort to your child
- Breastfeeding mothers go back to their prepregnancy shape quicker.
- Human breast milk is the ultimate health food for human infants.
- Formula fed babies often receive more protein then they need...making bulkier stools
- Bottle-fed babies are usually more likely to be overweight.
- Breastfed babies are more likely to like vegetables when introduced to them. They get a preview of them through breastmilk.
- Breastfed babies are less likely to die of SIDS.
- There are preventatives in breastmilk that are not in formula.
- Breastfed babies have fewer doctors visits for health problems.
- Breastfed babies are less likely to have diaper rash.
- Breast milk has an enzyme to aid in its own digestion.
- Breastfed babies do not become constipated and are less likely to get diarrhea.
- Mothers milk transmits immunoglobulin A proteins. (antibodies against pathogens to which mothers have been exposed)
- Mothers milk is special for her child. This is evident in premature babies and their mothers milk.
- It is always in a clean container when coming right from the breast to babies mouth.
- No Prep time for making bottles.
- You never have to worry about not having enough milk with you when out and about.
- Bottle-fed babies develop heavier bone structures and are often longer and heavier
- Breastfed babies differ in the bacteria in their intestinal tracts. Breastfed babies have a helpful bacteria consisting largely of Lactobacillus bifidus.
- It is believed that breastfeeding may lead to lower cholesterol levels later in life and offer some protection against heart disease
- Babies are less likely to have an allergic reaction to breastmilk
- The longer you breastfeed the better your child will do in school..new studies show.
- Sucking from the breast is good for babies tooth and jaw development.
- Milk is always at the right temperature.
- Mothers Uterus shrinks more quickly.
- You don't have to scrub or sterilize bottles.
- You don't have the added expense of formula.
- Breastfeeding forces you to relax a little at each feeding.
- Breastfed babies need to burp less and spit up less.
- Often Breastfed Mothers get a respite from Menstruation offering less chance of becoming pregnant again quickly.
- There are some protections against Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer.
- There is protection against Osteoporosis.
- Breastfed babies smell sweeter. Bowel Movements and excess milk spit up after feedings smell milk and inoffensive.
- Breastfeeding is natural. Human Milk for Human Infants.
Facts About Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding will not make your breast sag. Pregnancy causes your breast to be less firm, not lactation.
- Breastfeeding helps you lose weight...not gain. The fat stores laid down during pregnancy are specifically designed for lactation.
- Eventually your baby will make his/her own schedule and you will not be tied down by a nursing baby.
- Gradual weaning should not hurt and should not be traumatic for either you or your baby.
- The mother decides when enough is enough. The longer you can feed your baby the better, but it is your choice when to stop.
- Breastfeeding for just a few weeks is better for your baby than not breastfeeding at all.
- It is possible to nurse discreetly. There comes a point when you realize my child needs this nutrition and it outweighs any embarrassment you may have.
- With encouragement almost all women can breastfeed their child. Though a few cant..with encouragement most can.
- Women must learn to breastfeed their child.
- The more often you nurse your child, the more milk that is readily available for him/her.
- Breastsize has nothing to do with your ability to nurse your baby.
- Breastfeeding does not hurt. There is a small initial discomfort that passes after a week or so.
- Babies can learn not to bite down, so there is no need to fear teething.
- If you are eating healthy, your milk is healthy for your child. It is made up of 75% water. No need to worry about dehydration.
- Breast milk agrees with EVERY baby.
- Breastfeeding gets easier. If you are discouraged at first...it only gets easier as time goes on and you adjust to your baby.
- Many men do not like the idea of sharing mothers breast; However, you can always point out the advantages to both you and your baby.
- Many people are misinformed and there is a lot of discouragement out there. Always remember...Breast is Best.
- Other Children are often fascinated by breastfeeding. Studies show that siblings of breastfed babies act up less at babies feeding times.
- Moderate drinking will not affect your baby. A glass of wine or beer now and then should not hurt your baby.
- Most women do not experience sexual sensations from breastfeeding. Some women find that breastfeeding enhances their sense of themselves as sexual beings.
- You can continue to breastfeed through pregnancy and then both children. (However, some women's milk supply goes down with pregnancy)
- Premature babies get a special mix in mothers milk compared to babies born on time. The mothers milk adjust to feed her child.
- There are other ways daddy can connect with the breastfed baby.(See Below)
- Doctors are often very easy going about letting you come in to have your breastfed baby weighed to make sure he/she is gaining weight.
Activities for Dad and the Breastfed Baby
- Bathtime Can be a special Dad and baby time. Its even better when Dad and baby bath together. Babies always love to be skin to skin.
- From the time babies are very small they like to be read to. Though they may not understand the words they are fascinated by your voice.
- Dads can set aside a time after a feeding for "playtime" for just dad and baby. No Moms allowed. This gives mom a little break as well.
- When baby starts solids at 4-6 months, daddy can give him his cereal.
- If baby enjoys a daily walk, this is a great time for daddy to connect with their small child.
- Daddy can play a special part in your night time ritual. He could dress baby for bed every night.
- There are enough dirty diapers for diaper duty for dad, sister, brother and mom.
- Daddy and baby can take lazy naps together on Days off.
- As baby becomes more alert, he/she is more then happy to have a playmate who is not afraid to get on the floor and play.
- Set aside a daily activity that is always Daddy's responsibility. Show Daddy how needed he is.
Some Advice from Breena for First time Breastfeeding Mothers
First I have to say...Breastfeeding is NOT for every family. And it really is a family affair. Don't feel guilty if you make the decision its not for you and your little one...or it just becomes overwhelming and you make the decision to stop. There is a real problem with guilt about these things...and feeding our babies shouldn't be a source of guilt! I have to admit I am a real advocate for Breastfeeding. It has changed my life and I still nurse my 13 and 1/2 month old son Jake and will till he self weans (which he is working on now)
1. It is not easy. No matter what anyone tells you. Its not. It is rewarding and can be very amazing. Don't feel frustrated if at first you have problems. A lot of women do. You are not alone. Don't feel discouraged because you don't have a good support system....there will be places to turn.
2. Buy a tube of Lansinoh cream now. It is a cream specially made for breastfeeding mothers and is safe for baby. Its natural and doesn't have to be removed before feedings. It works amazing on sore nipples and cracked nipples. One tube last for a long time. Breastfeeding may be the "natural" way..but it hurts like heck at first. I really wish someone would of told me that. It wouldn't of changed my mind about doing it...but I would of been more prepared.
3. Personally I think its a lot easier when baby sleeps with you. When I was in the hospital they encouraged this and showed me how to sleep with my baby cradled in the crook of my arm on a pillow. At first I got up and put him back in the cradle or slept in the chair with him in my arm..but I was so tired. It just was easier to bring him to bed with me. I got more sleep...and was more ready to deal with constant feedings.
4. Its normal for your baby to lose weight right after they are born! I don't know why no one told me this when my son was born. He was born weighing 7 lbs and 5 oz and before we left the hospital weighed in at 6 lbs and 14 oz. They told us he could of safely lost another 7 oz. They figure it based on a percent of their birth body weight on how much they can "afford to lose" Don't stress about this!
5. most Pediatricians love breastfeeding mothers! They are more then willing to let you come in and have your baby weighed anytime you need reassuring that your little one is gaining weight. If they don't...find a new pediatrician. We have a great one. He would let me use one of his examing rooms to nurse if my son needed to nurse at the time we were there so I could have some privacy. And he would go do other things till our baby was ready to be seen.
6. Growth spurts happen frequently at first. During those times it may feel like you are nursing 24 hours a day. (you probably are just about) Don't be afraid to ask for help. Breastfeeding is a family decision...and it affects everyone in the family.
7. On that note..There are so many other ways daddy can bond with baby. Dads feel a lot of times left out and not sure how to connect with baby if mom is the one holding and feeding them all the time. Encourage dad to do other things...bathing, changing, dressing, cuddling, when baby is a little older feeding the solids. This also gives you the much needed break from baby you will need as a breastfeeding mom.
8. When going to supplement...Most women I have talked to suggest the Advent bottles or just any slow flow nipple bottle. Remember, its best to wait a few months before trying to supplement if at all possible. My son never ever took a bottle...so I wish I could give more advice here..but I just cant.
9. For those of you who fear feeding in public. LOL Before Jake was born I would say No way am I feeding in public. But there came a point where running off to the bathroom was just not an option. I was hungry...I wanted my meal and dag on it...My baby was hungry. Some mothers never get to this point.. others get there sooner then they planned. Nursing is a beautiful thing. You would be suprised by peoples responses. Some are not very nice to be honest. But others... are just amazed by the beauty of it. And your child's hunger and your mother instinct outweigh embarrassment.
10. You have to eat. When I first started nursing I figured 3 meals a day...I was getting enough. After all I am overweight. WRONG! I didn't gain weight even though I added a few small snacks. (IN FACT I LOST!) I would throw up everytime I wasn't eating enough. Sometimes just some cheese and crackers would do the trick. or buy fruit like grapes to snack on. Have these ready when you come home from the hospital. You will need those small snacks from day 1. No one bothered to tell me this!
and 11. If you plan to try breastfeeding...make sure when you go in to deliver they know! Do not let them give your baby a bottle or pacifier in the hospital! When I had my son there was a big note on my chart in red marker "NO PLASTIC NIPPLES". If a baby is given the choice between not working too hard and getting the milk easy..and having to really work hard at sucking for the breast milk...Well he just worked hard being born..which do you think he will choose? It is a common problem that no one tells you about.
I am not trying to start a debate because I really don't think breastfeeding is right for every family. There are so many reasons women cant breastfeed. I really believe the most common reason is simply women are not given the support they need! That is what I hope to offer from this...advice I wish someone had given me and support for anyone who needs it to help with this. If you have questions or commonts you can email me at [email protected]. I cant wait to nurse my little may blossom. Those first couple nursings are just amazing to look down and see a new life getting all it need to survive from your breast. It is truly amazing.
Nursing The Older Child
From what I have seen many mothers stop nursing at about 6 Months when they start their babies on solids. Some Try to make it through the first year. And Yet, others (Like myself) believe in self weaning and encourage children to decide when they want to stop nursing. In this instance the nursing process can continue well into your child becoming a toddler.
Nursing your 6-12 Month old
As your baby starts to eat solids nursing times are going to become less important for Nutrients. Some mothers begin to introduce a bottle at this time. Remember that if you choose to do this though to introduce expressed breast milk or formula. Babies still can not drink cows milk till they are 1 year old. While less important...baby still needs the extra iron and vitamen in milk designed just for baby. Some mothers find they start to have a decreased milk supply at this time and can easily increase it again with a few simple hints.
Ways to Increase Milk Supply
(Many of these work for new mothers as well as nursing mothers of older children)
1. Increase the amount of water you drink daily. Remember that breast milk is mostly made up of water...increasing water will increase your supply.
2. You can try a warm shower to stimulate your supply and let down. Or simply try warm washrag compress to your breast to stimulate let down.
3. If there is a huge decrease in nursing you may be feeding your child too much solids. Remember to gradually work into solids and not start them all at once. You can always increase the frequency of nursing and nurse for shorter periods of time to increase supply.
4. Do less, rest more and try to nap with your growing child as they nap during the day if possible. Try to get help with simple task such as cleaning, cooking meals and errands.
5. Increase healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. Many women do not eat enough while nursing. Remember you should add calories (500 a day) to your diet if you are nursing!
6. Trust your body! You do not need to supplement with formula. That will in fact decrease your supply further. Our bodies are amazing things and they know what to do. When there is a need for more milk, Your body will meet the need.
7. You can always pump and store or pump and dump milk. This too will help build up your supply. You are not taking away from baby because your body will just produce more as the demand increases.
Nursing your Toddler
Some mothers decide at a year they managed to nurse through a year but are now ready to move on. While others enjoy nursing and decide that they and their child are not ready to give up this special time. At this time nursing really becomes more about comfort and less about nutrients.
My son is still nursing strong at almost 14 months. Nursing sometimes becomes a wrestling match where he decides to nurse in the strangest positions. And this can become frustrating. Ways I get around this are by waiting for him to calm down before I choose to start nursing. At this age it is easier to delay feedings. It is a good idea to introduce other liquids at this point even if you continue nursing. Cow Milk can be given as well as juice. One advantage of nursing till your child is at least 1 year old is you can skip right over bottles and the pain of cleaning and taking care of them.
I find it amazing because there is not a lot of information out there about or supporting mothers who continue to nurse toddlers. There is a lack of information on Nursing through pregnancy and Tandem nursing as well. That is the next area I will cover. If you would like to add your advice or your own story about feeding your toddler here. Please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Nursing Through Pregnancy and Tandem Nursing
Despite the information out there it is possible to nurse through pregnancy and then to nurse both your toddler and your newborn. It is not easy and many doctors recommend giving up nursing when you find out you are pregnant. It is important that if you are nursing and pregnant you add an additional 300 calories to your diet (800 total-300 for pregnancy and 500 for breastfeeding). This will help you support both children and yourself. Do not worry. The baby gets what s/he needs first. Then your toddler.
Many women experience problems with thier milk supply at this time. There may be a decrease in supply. You can use the suggestions above to help increase supply again. Also, a toddler may decide to self wean at this point because of a change in the taste of the milk. If you see this happening you may want to encourage it. (There is a section further down with weaning tips. These are not from personal experience but from advice I have heard from others or read). It can be very draining nursing one child...but nursing two can be exhausting.
Tandem nursing or nursing both a newborn and a toddler child can be very tiring. It is important that you ask for help when its needed and get plenty of rest. Always try to nurse first your newborn and then your older child. You can use delay tactics to accomplish this. Also, be aware that thier is always the chance for cross infection from nursing. Your older child may decide s/he wants to nurse more often when s/he sees your newborn nursing. This could be for comfort reasons. Remember that your older child may find a new sibling in thier life very stressful. Try not to get frustrated with the toddler for wanting what makes them feel most safe. That is being at your breast.
Delay Tactics
1. Try offering your Toddler a special big boy/girl treat. Stress that this is because she is such a big boy/girl that she can wait for her nursing.
2. Find a feeding position for your newborn that allows you to have a free hand. Make nursing a family affair and encourage your toddler to sit on the other side of you while you nurse. You could read or tell her/him a story.
3. Have your husband do something special with your older child during the longer feedings of your newborn. Maybe a favorite game or book.
Weaning Tips for older children
* Use distraction to delay feedings as long as possible.
* Limit where these feedings can take place. An example may be: only nursings while laying down for sleep.
* Nurse for shorter periods of time.
* Change your Routine. At nursing time go for a walk, bring out a new toy, or invite a playmate over to play.
* If you nurse in only one place, temporarily remove that place. Such as a favorite nursing chair, nursing pillow, etc...
* Don't sit in one place for a long time. Keep busy.
* Do not let your child see your breast. This will only remind him/her of nursing.
* Give extra physical attention to your child that doesnt involve breastfeeding. You could read a book, sing a song, or tell a story.
* Eliminate first the feedings that are easy to get rid of...letting others continue for a while.
* Talk to your child about weaning. An example is "I love you, and I love to nurse you, but my milk is going away and it's really special milk for babies." Set a goal (ie child's next birthday)
* Emphasize what a big boy or girl your child is. Stress all the benifits of being a Big kid. Getting to do fun things, going places, eating special treats, etc..
* Be flexable about quitting. If your child get sick or becomes needy you may need to delay completely weaning. Depriving your child of the comfort from nursing will only make both of your lives miserable.
* Do not give your child negative images of nursing by making your breast taste bad. Leave your child with happy nursing memories.
Links to Other Breastfeeding Web Sites
Beth's Breastfeeding Website
Boards at ParentsPlace-Offering many different message boards on Breastfeeding.
...more to come

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